Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dear Mr. President

President Barack Obama
1600 Penn Ave, MW
Washington DC 20500
A Voice From Main Street

Dear President Barack Obama,

Good afternoon Mr. President, my name is Fatmata and I am one of the people you talk about from Main Street USA. I am writing to give my opinion on the current state of the economy. I hold no degree in business but I at this junction it does not matter. I think Main Street USA solution might be betters then these so called business experts. Main Street USA understands the pain and heartache of this economy so they desire to be heard and consulted more regarding the state of the economy.

Mr. President, these so called experts that administration and congress keep consulting don’t truly understand the economic pain because at this point they are not scarifying anything. Most of them stay live in their multi-million dollar homes, driving the fancy cars and traveling like rock stars. These are some of the same people that brought the economy to where it at right now. We need a different approach and maybe the masses needed to be more involved in this process. We need to brainstorm aloud. Here’s my suggestion to improve the economy. It might be basic but it a start.

Mr. President, before we hand out money to companies like Citigroup, AIG, Ford, GMC, and other financial institutions or auto makers we should get
1) A business plan
2) Have them agreed to limit on CEO pay and perks (in whatever form they come in)
3) Limit unnecessary expenses (ex. Commercial airline, drive the own cars, etc)
4) Have a government overseer
5) Monitor business spending to make sure it does not co-mingling with personal expenses
6) Monitor the board members (make sure election are done properly)
7) Establish ethical rule of engagement because these when out the windows
8) Direct where the money should be spend and how (government money)
9) Have date for repayment of government loan

If after all these are done and the businesses cannot survive we should let them fail or structure safe buyout. We cannot keep wasting tax payer money on these companies that don’t truly have a plan to restructure themselves into profitable companies.

Second Mr. President, you keep referring to Main Street USA but I don’t see any relieve for us. I personally think the payroll break is a waste of time. I think the amounts of money given to these financial institutions were given to homeowners and the unemployed we might be at a better place for less money. These homeowners would have paid their mortgage instead of waiting for these institutions to restructure loans. I think Main Street USA spending will move this economy further than given it to these institutions. All these CEOs of these companies are going to do is find a way to make their families and network of friends and businesses richer.

Mr. President, thus far Main Street USA is one hundred percent behind you but if we don’t see any tangible relieve we might look else. I sometime wish we had a parliamentary system that would have allowed us to dissolve congress and start over. I just wish we could return to what the forefather had in mind when they created congress. They were to serve a limited time and return to their private life. If we had that we might be in a better place now.

Mr. President, we will be patient with you because this situation was inherited but if you keep depending on the Elite (Experts, Lobbyists, etc) that don’t understand the pain of the masses, our patient will run out sooner than later. Our voice should count and should be taken seriously because it only us that are suffering the bulk of the economic woes.

I wish you and your team best of luck because we all depend on it. Unlike others that wish your failure, Main Street USA wishes you success. Hopefully, your administration success will be Main Street USA success.

A person from Main Street USA

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How 2009 is shaping up

The year is starting in the right direction. I spent the New Year @ home because I was not willing to shell out any money. I am getting frugal as I aged haha. My dog Mr. Whisper and I were sleeping before the ball drop. I got a lot of calls and text messaging that night and early morning. My family back in Liberia was excited to have woken me up.

I had to work the next day but it was cool. We had causal Friday and food was provided. I am grateful to have a job. There was not much to do at work. I spent the rest of the evening @ home.

I have to confess because I did something somewhat mean. I back out of a dinner date. I did not feel like going anywhere so I asked if we could do brunch instead of dinner. I knew this person will not like that idea so I suggested it and it worked. I technically did not lie.

On Sunday, I met up with some friends from Young Adult in DC and had a great time. I reunited with some old pals and met some new and interesting people. I also learned how to make a s’more. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. It was nice and couple of people helped me roast my marshmallows. This actually made me feel like going camping.

That thought only lasted a minute because we African don’t go camping. I’m just kidding about African not camping because some do. After that, I left and hopped on the train to head back home. The weather was perfect although the guessologist (meteorologists) indicated otherwise.
I hope second week flow in the positive direction. Have a wonderful week.
Peace out for now.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I am extremely grateful to be part of 2009. I don't have much to say today because there several people wishing to be part of 2009 that did not live to see it.

I found something funny minutes before we enter the new year, instead of receiving lots of calls instead I got lots of text messages and I found myself doing the same thing. I am a people person and the idea of text messaging make me a little sad. I love to hear people voice.

I am going to do my best to be more outgoing, nice, peaceful, caring, loving and happy. I'm hoping for a better economy so people out of work can gain their career back. I hope to make Obama's motto that "Yes we can" my motto (Yes, I can) for 2009 and beyond.

Thinks positive during those difficult times and you will find your way out. Life will always have it bumps and sometime major bumps but there is always a light at the end of tunnel. Visualize the light and when it comes close, walk right through it to the other side.

Have a wonderful and bless 2009. May God keep us all safe throughout the year and beyond.