Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Divide and Conquer (Rule)

Divide and Conquer (Rule)
Dissecting the Middle East and Africa
Divide and conquer is an extremely interesting theory. In Politic and sociology, according to Wikipedia, “is combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.” This is as simple as it gets. To truly understand this theory look no further than to the Middle East and Africa.

The Middle East and Africa are continents that are in constant flux. Here are two continents with massive amount of natural resources but are not united. These continents have natural resources from Oil, Diamond, Gold, Bauxite, Cocoa, Coffee, Iron Ore, Cotton, and Livestock to name a few. Most of these resources do not benefit population but instead they are export to other countries. I find it ironic because two continents with all these natural resources are consider third world countries. How did these early civilization take a step back in their evolution?

The first know civilization is the Mesopotamia (an area around the Tigris-Euphrates River). This area is present day Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran. According to Wikipedia it was know as the cradle of civilization. This part of the Middle East had a complex civilization that included language, writing, science, technology, government, religion, economy, culture, ritual and they celebrated life through massive feasts, festivals and holidays. Presently, these countries look like they are just discovering civilization.

Africa also had a several well develop civilization. We had the Ancient Egypt, Ghana, Kush, Mali, Songhay, etc. Ancient Egypt is the first known civilization in Africa. It ran along the Nile River. This was a civilization that adapted to the condition of Nile River Valley. According to Wikipedia, it’s achievement where in mathematic, quarrying, surveying, and construction techniques. Ancient Egypt legacy was in the arts and architectures. Some of these wonders are the pyramids, temples, libraries, and literatures. They also created a practical and effective system of medicine. Except for the arts, literatures, and architectures, current day Egypt is far from its Ancient form.

So what went wrong with these two continents? We know that Empire rises and Fall. In every civilization that has fail is due to some form of greed. Take Ancient Egypt for example, their need to expand their borders to show its power and might was the catalyst for its fall. The more land they acquired the more power they gain over new population, wealth, and military. The problem with over extending is that it decentralized absolute power. The invasion of other culture leads to another problem. Lack of first hand knowledge of these cultures begins to undermine the authority of the invader. History keeps repeating itself because we don’t seem to have learned from it.

Can these two continents every gain the glory once created by their ancestors? Yes, they can but must take major steps outline below. Unity is the key to success. United we stand divide we fall which is basically divide and conquer. If we are united as people no want can divide us and without division, no want can conquer us. The Middle East and Africa needs to:

· Create Accountability
· Transparency
· Educate the massive (Public Education for all)
· Eliminate barbaric rules and laws
· Use their natural resources to build up their infrastructure and economy
· Country Wealth are not passed down through birth
· Stop manipulating your population by playing on their differences
(Religion, Ethnicity, and Class structure)
· Freedom of movement without harassment or demanding of bribes
· Open and Fair Election
· No one Above the Lord (not even Royalty or Presidents)
· Strong Criminal justice System
· Need leaders that are looking out for all and Not just for themselves
· Create a Lobby System (don’t allow corruption)

Implementing above list will point them in the right directions. We should take care of own before we reach out to others. If these continents had these things in place most of it population will remind within their own border instead of seeking it else where. We can create save environment that foster development and advancement that we can all marvelous at and have our children pride off. Our ancestor will smile in their grave to know that their hard work did not go in vain.

The best way to eliminate the divide and conquer theory is to remember that you are one people unity for a cause. It does not matter that you are Iraqi or Iranian the fact is that you’re from the Middle East make you brothers/sisters. It also should not matter that you’re Liberian or South African because you too are African first. We should look for what connect us rather than what make us different. Remember before there were civilization in Europe, the Middle East and African had it.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The New Horizon

I am somewhat sad to say goodbye to 2008. This year had it ups and downs but it was a learning time. Now it’s the time again to make resolutions to usher in the New Year. This should be a gift to us all. This allows us to clean our slate and start afresh.

A new horizon is upon us, are you ready to start over? What are some of the things that went wrong in 2008. Could they be corrected in 2009? Don’t set unrealistic goals because that defeats the purpose of a new start.

I sometime hear people setting goals that are so unrealistic that I wonder if they are out to sabotage themselves in the upcoming year. A goal should be something obtainable yet set high. There should be short terms goals and long terms goals.

As we achieve things we gain more confident to press on. Start with some silly vice that can be easily achieved and then move forward to harder goals. I really thing a person should only have 1 to 5 resolutions for the upcoming years.

As for me, I don’t like to set resolutions. I like to plan to eliminate negativity out of my life and bring in more positive influences. This approach eliminates stress and the pressure to fulfill some resolutions. This upcoming year’s goals are:

1. Eliminate the need to overreact (basically calm down).
2. Become more outgoing
3. Eliminate my last credit debt (I can see the light @ end of the tunnel)
4. More personal saving outside of 401k
5. Rehab more homes
6. Everything else will be determined as we go along thru the year.
So what are some of your goals for 2009?

A new year is the perfect time for a rebirth. I love these words below. You can take it and add you own flavor to them.

Renewing, refreshing, cleaning, do over, horizon, rebirth, positive, start over, reframing, peace, love, happiness, joy, sunshine, family, friends, growing, planting, blossoming, future, planning, living, traveling, cuddling, surviving, enjoying, togetherness

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Reflection of 2008

A new horizon is upon us. Forget about the sadness, remember the goodness of 2008. In the remaining days of 2008, take stock of where you’re in your life. What were some of the improvement this year. In what way did you become a better person? Will your parents be proud of your accomplishments but especially are you proud of them. Is there something you could change about your behavior, attitude, or your outlook on life? What has happened, did you learn anything from them?

Things will happen to us with our without our permission. It’s what we do in those moments that determine our character. We might not always be a winner but what we've learned from not winning is more important than winning. Take a trip through the lens of my camera.

This year was a learning experience for me. The year started out crazy. I began the New Year with tenant issues at my investment that ended up in court. I was extremely stressed out by the entire episode, but I was not going to give in. I went through court drama and eventually the tenant moved out. I learned that I love rehabbing property but I am not made to be a landlord. I sold the property and walked away with a good return. My next project will be flipping property.

Next, the doctor thought I might have cancer. I never thought in a million years that I will hear those words. I got so scared I did not want to have the necessary procedure. Crazy thought started to run through my head. If I had cancer will everything change? How long will this doctor tell me I have to live? What have I accomplished? Will God be pleased with me? I am grateful to say that the test came back negative. I learned to put my health first and take better care of my body.
2008, was not all bad. I started my online store Jorkey Kiddie Bontique ( It’s an organic clothing business for baby and toddler. It started out well but became a little slow. I understand because of where the economic is right now. Organic clothing is expensive. I’m in the progress of reevaluating the direction of the business. Do I stay green? Or do I close the business. I love the idea of selling and making creative items for children. I hope to figure this out before the New Year. I know God will direct me in the right direction.

I am grateful to have the families and friends that I associate with. I am not financially rich but I have people that care for me and stand by me. Some of my family and friends are here in the United States with me but most of them are in Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast. They might not be near but they love and care for me as I do for them. Don’t get me wrong they get on my nerves sometimes but I know I get on their nerves too. The fact is that we love each other.

I am grateful to have a job. There are many people out there that are looking for a job and need one. I count my lucky stars everyday. I know God is protecting my job because he knows a lot of people depend on my mother and me for their survival.

Love seems to elude me. I don’t have the touch when it comes to this aspect of life. I’m not willing to compromise my value for the sake of love. These are values my parents instill in me and they are not up for negotiation. I believe in God, family, respect, and kindness to others. It’s fine to have money but without a higher power nothing is possible. Everybody is so interested in what other do for a living, what kind of car they drive and where they live. We forget to ask basic questions like how’s your relationship with God, family and friends. Do you show kindness to the less fortunate? I know there is someone out there for me. He’s not Mr. Right because I don’t believe in that Disney fantasy. I'm looking for a human being with flaw but embodies my values. I'm also looking toward 2009 and make improvements. I hope to contribute some more toward humanity.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Single Life is not all it crack up to be

I hear people talking about how great it is to be single. In the beginning is something good because it allows you to be yourself and take stock of your life. I am a single individual that which she was in a relationship. I look good and have a good job. Why can’t I find a man?

Here are some of my problems; most men think that I'm too independent, opinionated, and high maintenance. I think making assumption about a person is wrong. I am guilty sometime of judging a book by its cover. Yes, I am independent but I will not have it any other way. Because I am independent does not mean I don't want to share my life with someone else. A guy should be a compliment to his lady find and vice versa.

First, I know some man like the idea that a woman should depend on them for everything. This might work for some but not for me to be honest. I like the idea of working hard to earn my own keep. My father always makes this joke that he did not educate me to become a house wife. Don't get me wrong a house wife is hard job but just not for me.

Second, I am opinionated because of my personality. I know what I want and tried to achieve that the best way I know how. I don't want to boss a man around. I think if a man lets me boss him around that becomes boring within days. I want a strong man that can hold his own in a conversation and is not afraid to call my BS. I need someone that will calm me down and make me realize although I might be right but this is not the time or place for that particular conversation. I need someone that will listen to me and take my advice. I might be opinionated but the right man will be able to keep up his end in this department.

Third, although I might wear expensive clothing, eat at expensive restaurant and go places does not mean I need a man to provide these things for me. I hate when men tell me that I'm high maintenance because I am "Self Maintained." I take care of myself 120%. I think the phrase high maintenance carried a negative connotation. There are women that depend on a man for the daily bread and do deserve this label but I don't think all women should be brush with the same stroke. I love to take good care off myself because I can afford to do it all by myself. If a man feel like buying something nice once in awhile that’s okay too.

I like the single life but I don't want it to become a career. I want to get into a relationship with someone that is realistic, open, and caring. This person should put

1. God first
2. Family second
3. Everything else can be reprioritize

I know there is no prince charming like Disney or these so-called romantic movies will let you to believe but I do know there a person for everyone. This person will have his flaws like you have yours. The mean thing is don’t to give up on the values your parents thought you. Also, don't let money fool you into the wrong relationship because in the beginning it can be sweet but anything you don't truly earn is not worth it. Go into a relationship to figure out what you have in common and built upon that.
Remember, a relationship is when two people share common interests, understanding and care for each other. It should not matter what car you drive, or what side of the track you come from. The thinks that keep people glued to each other should be the values there share and love for each other. Become true friends